Sunday, October 16, 2011

Impact for glory of God.

Praise the Lord for His greatness and unending love, which covers the whole earth. The heaven declares His glory and the creation proclaim His greatness and let the redeemed of the lord rejoice for the Lord God is our God His kingdom will never end. Praise Him!!!

These first 8 weeks at Troy University have been an adjustment and an adventure. I find myself in a new city at a new college, meeting new friends from over 60 different countries, learning new professors and taking harder classes, new church family, as well as being very busy studying. I always want to go to bed around 9:00 pm. In my country, you better do all you need to be done before sun set ;once sun is gone it is gone till next day. There is no electricity and there is no TV to watch. There is no games to play all night like others are doing in other countries. Due to that I always go to sleep early. But finding myself being up late has been a great joy for me because I am not playing games on computer but studying. These studies is not just to pass these classes for myself but for the glory of God and for the people around the world who have no access to an education. I have been able to meet and share Jesus with many international students who do not know Him some might have hard about Christ. For those of you know I love to talk! Always on my break fact or dinner table there has to be some one I am talking with. Those are the times of sharing the word of God. I am always blessed in village, jungle, town and in City not forgetting I am also blessed in my hard times and good times. God is always good and forever He will be.

I continually considered what legacy will followers of Christ will make in this world so that the Name of God will be glorified? I often ask my self with his question and today it is my joy to share with you. May be you are also asking those questions. Jesus took fishermen who only knew fishing, how to use their boat, make their nets and all of their life is fishing. But Jesus called them and taught them instead to be fishers of men. Today their story has made a great impact on the whole word. Cathedrals were build and named after them, Seminaries, colleges, small and major cities were named after these fisher men(not exulting and glorifying them but in honor of Christ). These guys stories challenged all of us. They have nothing at hand but the word of God and trusting in God daily.

These folks (disciples) did not keep quite ;because of their unrest work it produce great fruit for the Kingdom of God and today we have the gospel. Hudson Tyler great man of God; whose heart is to see the lost coming to Christ. This man have laid his life for gospel and went to share gospel in China. He is the one of most outstanding missionaries and very successful. The Missionary work that he had done there have produced great fruit. Not forgetting David Livingstone great man of God when to East Africa and shared Christ with Africans and today he has live unremarkable legacy. Because of his obedience to Christ has made great impact. Beloved, to mention but few. When you look at those mentioned men of God. They are the poorest people in our time. No cell phones, computers internet, social Medea (twitter, Facebook…) BUT they have live legacy. What about us today? We are the most richest and have all the resource. Is there any way that we can make an outstanding impact with all we have? When is the wright time for us to make impact? Beloved I live that for you to answer for yourself.

God is at work and it is unstoppable business. I am asking you to pray and ask God to give each of us a passion for hurting world in our community and enter world.

Because Our God reigns!

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