Saturday, November 26, 2011

Missionary Impact in Moruland.

Dr. Kenneth Fraser was born at Crock Ban on the Isles of Lewis in Scotland in 1877. Fraser served as a medical doctor in the Royal Army Medical Corps. His ambition was to work overseas, and this desire became a reality when he was accepted by the Gordon Memorial Sudan Mission (GMSM) of the Church Missionary Society (CMS) of England.

After the first World War, Fraser and his wife Eileen arrived at Yilu (now Lui) in 1920. He started working among the Moru people of South Sudan. His military experience served him well in opening a hospital at Lui, which served all of Moruland--a total of 15,000 square miles.

Fraser trained young Christian converts as evangelists, teachers and medical workers, providing them with standardized medical kits and sending them out in pairs. Specific routines and procedures were established and these teams were required to send back reports to Fraser at Lui hospital at regular intervals.

Fraser also established schools and churches all over Moruland at intervals of fifteen miles along the main roads. These centers, in every part of Moruland, served as churches and schools as well as dispensaries at the same time. As dispensaries, these centers served the hospital at Lui.

An industrious and generous Christian, Fraser organized leper colonies. In addition to being a very successful surgeon, he sought to reform harmful indigenous practices and customs. All of these achievements won him a legendary status. More than any other culture in southern Sudan, Christianity deeply penetrated the Moru culture, where the people also boast a high level of education, thanks to his tireless efforts.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving!

To God be the glory for all that He has done for us and let us give thanks to Him for his love endures forever. God is good and He will be always good to us!

Several years ago my American missionaries introduced us to Thanksgiving in South Sudan. That November, we had a disciple-making conference, but on Thursday of that week we did something very different from what we normally do. We woke up early from our mud hut “tokuls” and went to collect firewood. Some of us went to get water and some remained behind to clean the compound. I will not forget that day and the excitement that all of us had.

In South Sudan our daily life is thanksgiving, we do not need to wait for November to come so that we will be thankful. The reason is simple - we are just asking God for this day and if you make it, then you will be thankful. Every morning we wake up and the first thing we do is worship and ask God for protection for the day. Indeed God protects and he cares for us every time. Seeing my American friends coming and preparing an African meal with us meant a lot to everyone in the village.

That November we collected the okra, sweet potatoes, and goat for Thanksgiving. Yeah, goat not turkey! We had goat and chicken, which made it a complete South Sudanese meal and very unique American Thanksgiving. We prepared the food all day. Those of you who have been to South Sudan know what I am talking about, you have to go and collect water from a far distance and firewood as well. Cooking is not something that African men do. We have division of labor and men are not supposed to cook (Ladies, bear with me as this is not American culture). I found myself working hard with other guys preparing food and I was excited and nervous at the same time.

We sent the invitation for Thanksgiving to the all government officials, pastors, and local leaders in the village. They began to show up at 4:00 pm for the Thanksgiving dinner and about 55 people came. Pastor Jeffery’s lead us in the thanksgiving song in moru “Aro’boya miri Lu,” meaning thank you God for all that you have given to us. After the song he prayed and the meal was shared among brothers and sisters in Christ.

This was my first picture of South Sudan/American thanksgiving in 2003. I am so thankful for my family and friends in South Sudan in this time of thanksgiving and above all I am so thankful for you all, my partners whom by the grace of God have committed to support me while in school. May the God of universe keep you and bless you in all.

Our God Reigns,

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Great is thy faithfulness!Great is thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies i see.
All i have needed thy hands hath provided;Great is thy faithfulness LORD,unto me!
Summer and winter and springtime and harvest(fall). Sun, moon and stars in their courses above join with all nature in manifold witness to thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.
Thank You LORD! for all the blessings that you have poured out to your people. You alone is great and glorified because You reign!

Friday, November 11, 2011


  • Dear Bullen,
    I was deeply touched by the crosses you sent to me. Reading your lovely letter to me and reading about the crosses on the tag you have attached to them made me weep for joy to know such a wonderful young man as you. You were always the most thankful, joyful and wonderful young man in the school in Mundri. I often think of how encouraged you always were even when things were bad. It is truly a spiritual gift of joy that God has given you. Some people's lives seem to resonate with one of the fruits of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22. Even though they may possess many or all of the gifts spoken of, there sometimes is one outstanding fruit in their life. You have such a joy from the Lord and you are such a THANKFUL person. I was saying to the Lord today how delighted and happy I am that He chose you to bless and bring to the U.S. to receive an education. He chose you because you are such a wonderful reflection of Him I believe. Your initial newsletter where you told about meeting me and that you would always remember my face touched me so deeply. Often when we cannot see the fruit of our work, we may feel like we did not accomplish enough for God on certain missions. When I read what you wrote about remembering my face, I was so blessed that you remembered me enough to write about it and especially that you remembered that we studied the book of Hebrews! Your correspondance has blessed me and encouraged me in the Lord. Bullen you are such an amazing young man and brightly shining light for Christ Jesus. Thank you so much for finding me here in the U.S. I will be sending you money for my crosses and also will be ordering more. I want to give them for Christmas gifts so that people in Mundri can have something to eat. God bless you Bullen.

    Your sister in Christ,
